A Short History of Vintage Schwinn Bicycles

It all is perfect to add to your Wedding Registry or Custom Registry. By 1950, Schwinn had decided the time was right to grow the brand. At the time, most bicycle manufacturers in the United States sold in bulk to department stores, which in turn sold them as store brand models. F. Goodrich bicycles, sold in tire stores, Schwinn eliminated the practice of producing private label bicycles in 1950, insisting that the Schwinn brand and guarantee appear on all products.


began moving towards the idea of “Total Concept Stores” which eventually became

“Authorized Schwinn Dealerships.” By happenstance, this had been a position

advocated–but not fully adopted–by Frank W. Schwinn in the 1930s. It was not until

the 1950s that his desire to break from large retailers would come to fruition. Schwinn also was in the process of refining its bicycle marketing

strategies. The company hired an innovative marketing specialist named Ray

Burch to liven up and better target their advertising. To better understand consumer

demand, Schwinn also made it a point to listen to suggestions from its high-volume



being late to the party, Schwinn finally developed a mountain bicycle that

could live up to its reputation. They first rolled out a mountain-style bicycle

in schwinn mountain bike 1982 called the Sidewinder. Sidewinders were nothing more than modified

Schwinn Varsities or Continentals with large tires and regular handlebars.

The “Made in Chicago” badge on Schwinn bicycles was always

a matter of pride for the company. In its heyday, the factory produced almost

everything in a Schwinn Bicycle but the steel tubing. Up through the 1950s,

continual investments were made to upgrade the capability of Schwinn to build

bicycles entirely from scratch in Chicago. In the late 1970s, Trek with its narrow range of specialized

bicycles was no threat to mammoth Schwinn. Trek kept waiting for Schwinn to put

the hammer down on them by building a line of competitive lightweight bicycles,

but it never happened (Crown and Coleman 1996). This gave Trek some breathing room

to diversify from its original touring bicycles to other models that would be

in direct competition with Schwinn.

Edward Schwinn, Jr. has been roundly criticized for the

demise of schwinn tricycle as a family company. Although not all of his

decisions were stellar, the blame was somewhat unfair. In 1979, Frank V. Schwinn relinquished his authority to

manage the company to Ed Scwhinn, Jr, a 30-year-old great-grandson of founder Ignaz

Schwinn. After just less than a decade running the company, Frank V. Schwinn

had enough and wanted to retire.

He decided that Schwinn should

enter the adult bicycle market with a unique twist. At the age of over 70 years old, Ignaz Schwinn decided it

was time to wind down his active management of the company. With the motorcycles in the rearview mirror, Frank

Schwinn took on the difficult task of reinventing what remained of the bicycle business.

The lightweights caught on very slowly but the fat tire bikes carried the company successfully through the ‘60s. The historical treatment takes the narrative through World War II. The book then becomes more a catalog of models that many of you likely rode during the 1950s and 1960s.

In exchange for ensuring the presence of the Schwinn name, distributors retained the right to distribute Schwinn bikes to any hardware store, toy store, or bicycle shop that ordered them. W. Schwinn tasked a new team to plan future business strategy, consisting of marketing supervisor Ray Burch, general manager Bill Stoeffhaas, and design supervisor Al Fritz. By the end of the 1960s, the beginnings of an adult bicycle

boom had begun. With the 1950s kids now entering early adulthood and the environmental

movement in full swing, road bikes were starting to become very popular. Schwinn

had been making lightweight bicycles for decades without much sales success. Given

this experience, they should have been well positioned to develop new

lightweight models for adults.